Showing posts with label Enterprise SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enterprise SEO. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

10 Lessons About Enterprise SEO

I have been fortunate in my 3 year SEO career to work with a huge number of companies and I have seen many different implementations of an "SEO campaign." I've seen what works and what doesn't, especially at the enterprise level.
What follows are 10 lessons that I have learned over the years so that you might know what to watch out for as you run or manage your own SEO campaign. Hopefully you find the information valuable!

Lesson #1 - Don't Ignore SEO Recommendations

Put another way, SEO recommendations need to be given their proper prioritization within the list of everything else your IT team is trying to accomplish for your website.
It's important to recognize that most IT teams don't have much visibility into analytics and don't see how much traffic (and ultimately revenue) is created through organic search. Be sure to share this information with them along with the potential opportunity that search could bring to the site if it was better optimized. After all, the name of the game in this economy is revenue and you can't make any if you don't have customers.