Thursday, April 26, 2012

Top Adsense Earners – 10 Sites That Earn In Millions

How much money can you really earn from Google Adsense? This is one of the common questions faced by bloggers and Internet entrepreneurs who wish to earn money from their website. If you have just started your website, you are probably aware of how difficult it can be to generate significant revenue.

Although Google’s Adsense is one of the most popular ways to make money from your website, its earning potential can seem limited to start with. In Spite of this, with hard work and dedication, it is indeed possible for you too to earn a decent income from Adsense.  There are many success stories of websites that earn millions in revenue every year from Adsense alone. These sites can be a source of inspiration for your efforts.

Adsense Top Earners - Shoemoney Check

Here are ten websites that were started by individual bloggers like you and me and through their dedication and hard work have developed into stable revenue streams that they can rely on.

How to Do Website Analysis Instantly

If anyone gives a task to check SEO status of a site and they will come back in 10 to 15 minutes for the reaction. Is it possible to get SEO status of a site in 15 minutes? I think, Most of the SEO's will probably say No. while I would Say YES.

The SEO's might get the same problem while appearing an interview, interviewers might ask you to analyze a site for 5 mints and requests you to explain all the positive and negative aspects of the site. There is a possibility to check all these factors with the help of few free tools.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Search Engine Optimization in Easy Steps

Are you satisfied with your website?

Do you know that your site is drawing in-sufficient traffic, people are receiving what they came for, and there's really no room for enhancement?

If your response is yes, then you're possibly going to want to stop analysis. For the rest of you, you know that there's always somewhat that could be pinched for improved web site traffic, better customer pleasure, and a advanced search engine ranking. How accurately do you go about doing that? Follow below Steps to a Well-Optimized Site and I think you'll see that these goals are not as supercilious as you might think.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Check Which Links Can Harm Your Site's Rankings

Matt Cutts' statement in March 2012 that Google would be rolling out an update against “overoptimised” websites, caused great turmoil within the SEO community. A few days later thousands of blogs were removed from Google's index and Matt tweeted confirming that Google had started taking action against blog networks.

Even though thousands of low-quality blogs of low or average authority were manually removed from Google's index, they weren't the only victims. For instance,, a PR7, DA70 domain was also removed, probably due to the very high number of blog roll (site-wide) backlinks.

How to Improve Your Rankings with Semantic Keyword Research

From Google’s Panda, Search Plus Your World and Venice updates, in the last year alone the SEO landscape has changed. And while that means your SEO strategy will change, too, there is one thing that remains the same…keywords.
Keywords remain important to your content and link strategies.
But there is one change coming down the Google pipeline that will change keywords…semantic search technology and the human element.

What is semantic search?

Basically, semantic search is technology that tries to determine what users mean when they type in a certain keyword.
They explore the semantics of those words…or the meaning behind them.
For example, if someone typed in “laptop” do they mean:
  • That they want to buy a laptop?
  • Have one repaired?
  • Upgraded?
  • Are they even talking about a computer, but something entirely different?
In the real world most people don’t search with one keyword…additional keywords give additional clues.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

FeedBurner Socialize Feature Hack to Auto-Publish your RSS Feed to Twitter

Google presented a Socialize feature inside FeedBurner in december 2009 that would permit blog editors to quickly and automatically push updates on to Twitter without using a third service but Google Drops Auto-Publishing to Twitter Feature from FeedBurner.

I like the socialize feature of feedburner but Google has silently dropped Socialize option from FeedBurner dashboard and hence Twitter integration from FeedBurner is no longer available but there is a simple trick by which you can integrate you twitter account with FeedBurner and auto-publish your FeedBurner feeds into your Twitter account.

How to Publish RSS Feeds to Twitter

As the Socialize selection is no longer accessible in FeedBurner, you need to assimilate your twitter account by a URL based hack. Go to your FeedBurner account at and open any of your feed and go the publicize tab.

Now you will the URL into the browser address bar like below